Contact Details

Barnes Wallis

General Enquiries

If you want to know more about The Barnes Wallis Foundation or request more information about how you can pledge your support, then please contact and we will endeavour to reply to your enquiry within 48 hours.

Commemorative Covers

The Barnes Wallis Foundation has available some commemorative covers produced in 2004 by the Barnes Wallis Memorial Trust to mark the 60th anniversary of the sinking of the German Battleship Tirpitz.

Tirpitz cover #1
The covers have a GB stamp featuring a Lancaster bomber and Sir Arthur Harris. This stamp is cancelled at Lossiemouth on 12 November 2004, the 60th anniversary of the final successful attack; many of the aircraft in this final attack took off from Lossiemouth. It also features a Norwegian stamp cancelled on the same day at Tromso near where the Tirpitz was sunk. The covers are signed by 6 aircrew who took part in various Bomber Command attacks on the Tirpitz between April 1942 and November 1944. Only 50 covers have been produced. Price is £30 each, plus £1 p&p per order.
Tirpitz postcard     Tirpitz cover #2
We also have some earlier covers and postcards. These were both produced initially by the Lincolnshire Lancaster Association for the 35th and 43rd anniversaries and have appropriate cancellations for 12th November 1979 and 12th November 1987. The covers were signed by three Tirpitz raid veterans at a Public Meeting we held in 2004 when the three veterans spoke. The veterans are Tony Iveson, Colin Cole and Larry Curtis, all of 617 Squadron and all of whom flew on the raid that sank the Tirpitz. The postcards are about 6″ by 4″ and the covers just slightly larger. Price is £15 each, plus £1 p&p per order.

Please contact to place an order, or post a cheque to Barnes Wallis Foundation, c/o 3 Station Road, Pannal, Harrogate, North Yorks. HG3 1JJ. Please add £1 p&p per order (UK). Telephone Peter Rix on 01423 871909 for further details.

Speaking Engagements

The Barnes Wallis Foundation aims to educate, inform, and inspire a wide audience drawing upon and in memory of, the life and work of Sir Barnes Wallis. Trustees and friends of the Barnes Wallis Foundation are available for public speaking and presentation engagements. Presentations are high energy and inspiring designed to keep the audience excited about aeronautical and engineering design, and pursuing their passion.

Please contact to request a talk.

Annual Public Meeting

Each year The Barnes Wallis Foundation holds a public meeting where we cover a wide range of topics of general interest. These include an update on the Foundation’s activities over the last year, keynote speakers and an opportunity to discuss future plans and activities.

Please contact for more details.